
We all know that getting through conflict can and does bring people closer together, strengthen trust, aid in creative solutions to larger issues, and generally just help us feel good about each other and ourselves. It can also tear us apart or end relationships. All...

January 2019 NYS DOH Approved Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Course (Intro Level) *Continuing Nursing Education Credits have been approved through the International Association of Forensic Nurses, an accredited Approver of continuing nursing education through the American Nurses Credentialing Center Commission on Accreditation.* Wednesday January 22: 9:00am...

The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or expression and adds transgender New Yorkers to those protected by the state’s Hate Crimes Law. The goal of this free training is for attendees, cis-gender and transgender, to leave with an understanding of...

Considering the many drivers of sexual and domestic violence, it's clear that one sector or field cannot prevent the issue alone. In 2018, the Blue Shield of California Foundation (BSCF) expanded its commitment to end domestic violence by focusing on root causes of violence and...

This celebratory webinar will highlight the milestones leading up to and since the passage of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act in 1984 and the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 for Tribal Nations and Alaska Native Villages.  Hear the voices of key players...

Movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp have continued to drive national discussions about sexual violence in new and encouraging ways. As conversations around supporting survivors and holding people accountable continue, it is a critical time to move prevention to the forefront. Join PreventConnect for a web...