07 Apr NYS college students and administrators: Help us improve availability of resources and information for victims of campus sexual assault!
The SUNY Albany Center for Human Services Research is interested in speaking with college students and campus administrators about resources for victims of campus sexual assault in order to improve the NY Crime Victims Legal Help website (https://crimevictimshelpny.org).
NY Crime Victims Legal Help is a website designed to connect crime victims with the civil legal (non-criminal) help they need. While developed by members of the NY Crime Victims Legal Network (CVLN), the content and design of the site were informed by direct feedback from victims of crime and those who assist them.
We would like to speak with students and administrators at campuses across NYS (including public and private, and two and four-year schools) to understand:
- What resources exist on campus to help college students who are victims of sexual assault
- If students are aware of these resources
- The types of information that may help a victim of sexual assault
- Effective ways to present and promote the information
The ultimate goal of this work is to include information and resources to help victims of sexual assault on colleges on NY Crime Victims Legal Help.
The attached flyer provides information for students who may be interested in participating; student participants will be provided with a $20 Amazon gift card.
All conversations will be kept anonymous; no personal or other identifying information will be shared. The work is solely designed to inform the expansion and presentation of content about campus sexual assault on NY Crime Victims Legal Help. Participants do not need to have experienced sexual assault.
If you are a college student or campus administrator interested in participating, or if you have questions, please contact Dr. Susan Dietzel at sdietzel@albany.edu.