14 Jun Mind-Mapping with Seven Dancers Coalition (Day 1)

Part of the Ending Violence Without Violence Virtual Training Series
From 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM
At Zoom Meeting
Presented by the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Seven Dancers Coalition, and Interrupting Criminalization: Research in Action / info@nyscasa.org
In this two-part workshop series, Harvey Herne will lead participants through mind-mapping activities that demonstrate the impacts of colonization and historical trauma in our selves, relationships, and communities, with a specific focus on Haudenosaunee communities. Participants will learn about self-accountability and self-healing strategies. This is an interactive two-part webinar. Please plan to attend both sessions on July 20 and 22.
Harvey Herne is the Men's Program Manager at Seven Dancers Coalition. Harvey has been facilitating these workshops with Haudenosaunee community members and others for 25 years.
This event will be held via Zoom Meetings. Video participation is not required. Registrants will receive the meeting link by email. This is an interactive two-part webinar. Please plan to attend both sessions on July 20 and 22.
The meetings will be conducted in spoken English. Please indicate in the registration form or by email (info@nyscasa.org) if you require language interpretation and/or closed captioning. Please provide this information at least 3 business days prior to the start of the session.
This offering is part of our Ending Violence Without Violence Virtual Training Series. Learn more at www.endviolence2020.com.