12 Jul Save the Date: NJCASA’s Second Annual Virtual Conference
Creating Transformative Spaces: Inspirations for an Anti-Oppressive Movement
At Virtual Event
Presented by the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA) / info@njcasa.org
Focused on anti-racist, anti-oppressive principles and driven by the recognition that the anti-sexual violence movement must continue to evolve to meet the ever-shifting needs of survivors, particularly survivors with intersecting, marginalized identities, this conference focuses on how we can build resiliencies, both individual and communal, and how we can incorporate practices that nurture us as we work towards a world free from sexual violence.
Join the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault on November 30th - December 1st for our FREE virtual conference that brings together local, statewide, and national leaders in the movement to discuss how, together, we can foster spaces that help survivors heal, as well as ones that energize and empower us as a movement to foster the changes we need to see in our communities.
Registration and agenda to be announced.